
Important Message About Booking!

Building a website is quite the challenge! Thank you for your patience as I work to create a pleasant user experience. It was important to me that I launch my website on my 50th birthday, so I’m stepping out of my comfort zone, embracing the concept of perfectly imperfect, and launching before I have all the kinks worked out. I am still learning to set up bookings, contact forms, email lists, and payment options. But that won’t stop us from being able to connect or take away from the services I provide. 

Please view each service below for instructions on how to book a session with me.

Currently, all bookings and remote crystal healing sessions are being done through email. 

I am able to accept payment through Venmo: @Tri-Revie.

If you need an alternate method of payment, please reach out as I am working on additional options.

Remote Crystal Healing Session

  1. Email with “Remote Crystal Healing Session” in the subject line.
  2. Please introduce yourself and let me know if you want the basic 1 hour session or if you would like additional support holding sacred space for 24, 48, or 72 hours. Also, let me know if you have a time sensitive issue that you would like to address.
  3. I will confirm via email that I received your request for booking and notify you of a general timeframe in which I can complete the session. 
  4. Once you have received confirmation, please reply with your intention (scroll down for tips on writing your intention) and make payment via Venmo.*
  5. I will confirm receipt of the intention and payment.
  6. Once the session has been completed, I will email you a picture of the crystal grid, the intuitive messages and guidance received during the session, and aftercare instructions.

*When you send your healing intention and payment, you are giving expressed consent for me to work in your energy field. 

NOTE: you do not need to be present for the session, but it is important that you watch for the completion email  so that you can follow through with the aftercare.

Current Expected Turnaround Time:     24 – 48 Hours   

This is the timeframe you can expect to have your remote crystal healing session completed once your intention and payment have been received.

1 hour session (includes remote energy healing, picture of crystal grid, and documented intuitive messages)


1 hour session (includes remote energy healing, picture of crystal grid, and documented intuitive messages) PLUS 24 hours of additional support holding sacred space


1 hour session (includes remote energy healing, picture of crystal grid, and documented intuitive messages) PLUS 48 hours of additional support holding sacred space


1 hour session (includes remote energy healing, picture of crystal grid, and documented intuitive messages) PLUS 72 hours of additional support holding sacred space


Crystal Healing Session (In Person)


From $111

Shamanic Space Clearing

under construction, coming soon, soon-4011849.jpg

Thank you for your patience as I update my website with relevant information. If you are interested in coaching sessions and this section is still under construction, please feel free to email me at

*Currently serving locations within a 50 mile radius of Salt Lake City, Utah.

From $222

Spiritual Intuitive Coaching

under construction, coming soon, soon-4011849.jpg

Thank you for your patience as I update my website with relevant information. If you are interested in coaching sessions and this section is still under construction, please feel free to email me at

Packages Starting From $333

Writing Your Healing Intention

This healing session is for you, and I want to help you get the most out of it. So here are a few tips on receiving the most beneficial healing session through your intention. Not everyone has a clear concept of their healing intention, and that’s okay. There is no right or wrong way to do this. Your intention may ask for help releasing that which no longer serves you and/or it may ask for receiving that which you struggle to achieve.

Get clear in your heart space about what you truly desire and ask for guidance on what is for your highest good. Find a quiet space and get comfortable. Take a few slow breaths and focus your attention on your heart (it may help to place a hand over your heart). Now ask for guidance, either out loud or silently in your mind, from your angels, spirit guides, ascended masters, archangels, ancestors, and/or loved ones. Ask them to bless you with clarity on your healing intention.


Write out your healing intention. You can either handwrite it and take a picture and include it as an attachment in your email or type it out in the body of your email. This is very important as I print out the intentions, write my own intention as a partner in your healing and include it on the crystal grid. Please note: All intentions are ceremoniously burned as part of the healing process. I do not keep the hard copy of your intention.


Remember there is no wrong healing intention. Each person’s healing journey is unique to them. Do not let this part of the process stop you from receiving energetic healing. If you are here, chances are you are being divinely guided to my services. Your intention may be simple, or it may be very detailed. Trust yourself. 


Still struggling with what to write? If you are unclear of what your healing intention is, this is a simple, yet beneficial intention I suggest using: I am open to receiving energetic healing and guidance for my highest good.

Please keep in mind that I specialize in emotional and spiritual healing. If you set an intention for physical healing, I will most likely find trapped energy that is sympathetic to the physical ailment and will guide you to seek care from a medical professional.